Tuesday, November 25, 2014

5 qualities FIT people have that others THINK they don't have

1. Discipline. Every day. It's a sacrifice to not reach for the bad food, the comforting foods which make us feel better but ultimately do not serve us. It takes discipline to exercise on a regular basis. And people will make excuses to not do it. They'll point fingers & say fit people don't like themselves and we ALWAYS have to exercise..WRONG! Fit people choose & say "I GET" to exercise. I WANT to live longer, I WANT to feel sexy, I love myself & I admire my selfconfidence therefore I am disciplined.
Which leads me to the next quality...

2. They exude SELFCONFIDENCE. They know who they are & they stand for something. They scream I'M confident & I know it!! Many fit people have not always been fit even if they started out that way. Even in my own life I wasn't always the fit girl. I was once the skinny even scrawny girl who could eat everything & not get fat. Then I became the overweight mother with babyfat that wouldn't go away bc of my bad eating habits. So I couldn't continue the same bc things had changed. I couldn't eat everything anymore and not see the repercussions. Bummer. But really it was my blessing. At 50lbs overweight 170 being my highest weight at 5'2 I had to change my habits or choose to stay where I was. This was my turning point. It didn't come easy & I had to find something that worked. Ultimately after putting myself thru a lot of crazy "dieting, starving methods, and gidgets & gadgets" I learned that nutrition & exercise are the only things that work long term. What you put in you get out. Go stand up for yourself now. I've had the privilege of doing it twice.The self confidence from finally achieving fitness will stick with you everyday & it's something no one can take away. EVER. I promise.

3. They don't make excuses. Excuses are death. They allow you to reason yourself out of things. They give you a cop out instead of a way out. It's your body & brains way to tell your spirit that it need not pass this way. It makes many attempts to tell you "you cannot, don't dare, it's hurts, this isn't gonna feel good" It makes sense we only want what feels good. But let me tell you a secret your spirit wants to free you, the ultimate greatest feeling is WHAT you get PAST the hurt, beyond the sacrifice. That's what you REALLY want. Use this concept in all your goals & man o man! Push past today!

4. Patience. Patience is a virtue. Change takes time. This is by far MY weak spot. I want results now, today. Not a year or even an hour from now but NOW! But it still needs to be cultivated despite this fact. I'm happy WHILE I'm waiting for results to show up, I take it one day at a time, a moment at a time. Success is a whole bunch of 24 hours put together. Stop being impatient & just get started. Do what you need to do just for today...get thru that & then worry about tomorrow tomorrow. Put a whole bunch of 24 hrs like this behind you & I promise change will happen. Stay faithful to yourself & yes! you deserve the time you invest in yourself. Start today.

5. They dont care what people say.Yes they have feelings but it doesn't discourage them or stop them...EVER! They hear it, they take it in, & then they use it for fuel or they dispose it. Just like I limit my bad foods, I also limit the trash I let into my head. I say limit bc we cannot completely control everything bad we see or hear, it's everywhere unfortunately & people aren't perfect no matter who they are. People say things without thinking sometimes...& I'm no exception. But learn to move on. Learn to stand strong in your being. What people say, do, is not always about you, don't take things personal, learn to move on. The more you don't care, the more you learn forgiveness, the more you just keep on moving on & putting one step in front of other despite what going on around you. & The happier you'll be. Remember: hear it, take it in then use it as fuel or dispose it! Hope you give a shit a lot less today...I plan to.

With all this said. Fit people have nothing in them any different than you. Successful people have nothing more in themselves than you have the privilege of having in yourself. It's already inside you.You just need to see it & you need to begin to cultivate these traits in yourself. Get around & stay around people who want what you have, let them build you up, let yourself be inspired, don't be afraid of whats already inside you. You got it. You got this. Hope you use this in all areas of your life today! Thank you for taking time to read this! Love you guys & keep on pushing!
