Monday, April 20, 2009

DaDa DaDa DaDa!

It's pretty clear if you come to my house that Neesee's got "DaDa" down pretty well... Go Neesee!!! However I can't help to be a lil jealous! Damn daddy! Of course it's all my fault cause it's all Neesee and I ever talk about when Joel's at work. But everything is "dada", dada this and dada that....da da da...the cutest thing i've ever heard. I'm lovin it!

Neesee just started speech therapy about 3 weeks ago...So of course the famous momma has to take ALL the credit up to now!!! Which I might add: I work so freakin hard that with that girl!! And not a moment wasted either. I ran out and got all my baby sign books and hit up the great sign with me website all the time and work with her daily...beside it's nice to talk to someone other than myself every now and again. jaja. It's really paid off! Neesee signs "eat" and "sleep" and she claps for "more". She patty cakes and even waves "bye" and "hi" appropriately. Momma's so proud of you Neesee-bear. The thing that she does with the "eat" sign, which was her first sign, is so hilarious. If I'm taking too long to get her "pa-pa" she hits herself with the "eat sign" and it gets harder and harder the longer I ha-larious. It's like she's yelling at me in sign language!!!!!! I love that she can express herself to me in these ways at such an early age. It gives me lots of hope. And even the best part....I understand her! Yay us!!!
Another thing she can do is shake her head no. Very important...When she's done eating or doesn't like something she tasted she will shake her head side to side...even when daddy's tickling her and she's "all done" she'll shake her head no...I got her to do this by asking her lot's of questions all day long until she picked up the concept. It's amazing how much she picks up...never underestimate your children....they know and understand more than we're willing to give them credit for...special needs or not. I'm always picking her brain and finding new ways for us to communicate...I can't stress how important this is for us..

So for now I'll go along my merry way hearing "" until one day she will say mommy. It'll come...I know it...A year ago...I may not have been so hopeful that she would even talk. The pamplets they gave me at the hospital along with her diagnosis...said that speech is very difficult for them...ha! difficult! me and Neesee laugh at that...I know better...If we have come this far in a year imagine where well be years from now....the possibilities are endless...but today I know that it will come...And I owe it all to my baby girl who has taught me hope and faith...Life is good today. Thank you God!

hugs & kisses & happy day wishes

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